This additional flexibility is aimed at increasing the availability of fodder, one of the main challenges that livestock farmers are facing due to the impact of drought.
The Commission continues to monitor the situation very closely, on the basis of updated data provided by the Member States. The full picture of the impact of this exceptional weather will only be clear when more information on yields and markets is available later in the year.

The derogations adopted today relate to specific greening rules on winter crops and catch crops. Today's decision also extends a previously granted derogation on land lying fallow to Belgium and France. These decisions apply retroactively and the concerned Member States were advised earlier in order that farmers could be informed swiftly that the rules would, exceptionally, not be applied this year.
The derogations granted are clear evidence of the Commission's commitment to assist farmers affected by this exceptional weather event and to help prevent further problems associated with feed for livestock over the winter months.
The derogations apply to member states which requested it:
For the derogation on land lying fallow: Belgium, Denmark, Estonia, France, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Finland and Sweden
For the derogation on catch crops and winter crops: Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Ireland, France, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Poland, Sweden and the United Kingdom in respect of England and Scotland
In addition to today's adoption, the decision on advance payment is also in the process of being adopted and is expected to be finalised later in the month. This will allow payments to commence from 16 October.
The Commission welcomes the actions taken by several member states this summer that have complemented the measures taken at EU level, which demonstrates the value of taking a shared approach to issues of this nature. The Commission remains available to continue assisting member states in supporting farmers to the greatest possible extent, using all of the possibilities provided within the EU legal framework.
Tuesday September 19, 2018/ EC/ European Union.