The Ministry of Agriculture of China has published a statement with the title “Opinions to stabilise pig production and guarantee market supply”, where it announces a series of measures to stop the drop in pig production and also take advantage of the opportunity to encourage the concentration of the sector, giving up the small farm model to move on towards a large farm model with modern biosecurity measures, according to the information published by the Ministry of Agriculture of Spain in its Foreign News gazette.
The statement announces some measures to “stabilise” production, such a more realistic policy regarding the compensations for the culling of pigs, aids to large farms to repopulate them after an empty period, subsidies to furnish the farms with systems for the disinfection of vehicles, and to improve the equipment on large farms, specially facilities for the treatment of waste, as well as other kinds of financial support so the small farms increase their size with the aim of concentrating production. It also expects to improve the breeding efficiency, both regarding the number of piglets per sow (that in China are below the main producing countries in Europe or America) and their survival.

It is also expected to improve the monitoring of the production figures, including data relative to the slaughterings, prices, breeding and production, and to ameliorate the quarantine regulations to ensure the supply of piglets to the producing regions.
Thursday, April 4th, 2019/ Foreign News-Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food/ Spain.