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Poland: ASF outbreaks spike in domesticated pigs

To date, 31 outbreaks have occurred in domestic pigs, some of them located in areas where the disease had not been detected before.

African swine fever in wild boar in 2021. (Yellow dots) Source: GVI

African swine fever in wild boar in 2021. (Yellow dots) Source: GVI

28 July 2021

Although Poland went several months without detecting cases of ASF in domesticated pigs, since the confirmation of the first case of 2021 in March on a farm with more than 15,000 animals, these cases have now soared and there are 31 outbreaks of ASF in domesticated pigs that have been confirmed by the country's veterinary authorities.

In addition to the large number of outbreaks, it is concerning that some of them have been confirmed in areas where the presence of the disease had not previously been detected, and in some cases it has affected farms with a large number of animals.

So far this year, the following outbreaks have been confirmed: 2 in Lublin Voivodeship, 2 in Warmian-Masurian, 1 in Podlasie, 2 in Mazowieckie, 3 in Łódź, 4 in Greater Poland, 3 in Lower Silesia, 5 in Lubuskie, 2 in Lesser Poland and 7 in Subcarpathian Voivodeship.

African swine fever outbreaks in domesticated pigs in 2021. (Red dots) Source: GVI

African swine fever outbreaks in domesticated pigs in 2021. (Red dots) Source: GVI

As for African swine fever cases in wild boar, the numbers are steadily increasing. To date, 1,840 cases have been officially recorded in 2021, a large number of them in the west of the country.

<p>African swine fever&nbsp;in wild boar in&nbsp;2021. (Yellow dots)&nbsp;Source: GVI</p>

July 23, 2021/ 333 Staff with data from GIW and MAPA.

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