According to data published by the French Chambers of Agriculture, the country has more than 1,400 anaerobic digestion facilities. Moreover, the agricultural industry is very important in this sector since 47% of the anaerobic digestion facilities are owned by farmers. Of the total, 805 of these facilities use agricultural biomass to produce biogas, 660 of which are owned by farmers.
In addition, 90% of the anaerobic digestible biomass deposit is of agricultural origin.

Typology of biogas sites:
- Injection: production and direct injection of biomethane into the gas grid.
- Cogeneration: production of electricity and heat by combustion of biogas in an engine.
- Heat only: heat production from biogas.
Biogas production in France:
- 4.3 terawatt-hour (TWh) of biomethane injected, i.e. 0.9% of annual gas consumption in France.
- 2.8 TWh of electricity produced, i.e. 0.6% of annual electricity consumption in France.
- 4.5 TWh of heat produced, i.e. 0.6% of annual heat consumption in France.
Only 2.2 TWh of gas was injected into the grid in 2020, compared to 4.3 TWh in 2021. Injection has almost doubled in one year. By 2030, the biomass reservoir that can be mobilized for methanation is estimated at about 60 TWh and could reach 185 TWh in the longer term.
September 26, 2022 / Chambers of Agriculture/ France.