The Minister of Agriculture of Argentina, Mr. Carlos Casamiquela, was a part of the Argentinian delegation that travelled to Santiago de Chile for the VII Binational Meeting of Ministers, reaffirming the will to keep on strengthening the integration and cooperation processes that are already being developed.
During the meeting, the aforementioned Minister participated in the signature of different treaties in the Palacio de la Moneda (the seat of the President of the Republic of Chile), with the presence of the President of Chile, Ms. Michelle Bachelet.

Casamiquela held a business meetig with his peer, Mr. Carlos Furche, to check and strengthen the scope of the work carried out during the last year with small producers, territorial planning, technical cooperation betwen the INTA and the INIA, biotechnological development for agricultural production, agroenergy, irrigation, fishing, and health aspects, among other matters.
Friday, 15 May 2015/ MINAGRI/ Argentina.