Javier Rodríguez, Secretary of Political and Institutional Coordination and Agricultural Emergency, received the Ambassador of the People's Republic of China in Argentina, Wanming Yang, to move forward in the negotiations to enable exports of various food products from Argentina, and schedule a technical visit to the Asian Giant.
Rodríguez explained that Argentina and China are moving forward both in the negotiation of protocols for the export of chilled/bone-in beef and pork, and in the accreditation of cattle and poultry plants.

The Ambassador Yang expressed interest in working in a strong bond of cooperation with Argentina and reiterated his commitment to articulate and generate greater trade flows between the two countries. In this regard, he pledged to expedite the necessary steps to finalize the Argentinian Health Mission in which technicians from MAGyP and its decentralized agencies (SENASA and INTA) would be taking part.
Sunday, April 5, 2015/ MINAGRI/ Argentina.