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Argentina carries out controls on pork refrigeration plants

For several weeks, the Ministry of Agro-industry, through the Undersecretariat of Agricultural Commercial Control (SUCCA), has been carrying out checks on several meat and pork refrigeration plants.

21 June 2017

Controls have led to preventive closures, condemned carcasses and suspensions in several refrigerators, including the preventive closure of the refrigeration plant Villa de Mayo SRL in the town of 25 de Mayo, the refrigeration plant Hat Car SA in the town of Salto, and Cooperativa Virgen de Luján in the homonymous locality. There was also a decrease in user registration in the working cooperative La Foresta Ltda., in Virrey del Pino, La Matanza, due to substantial differences between the declared weight and the actual weight —up to 20 kg less in each half carcass—, which violates the current regulations for adulteration of public documents, causing a detriment to consumers and the tax authorities.

On the other hand, having verified the existence of a large number of animals without identification, which ownership and provenance could not be proven, the Minguillón Cooperative, located in the town of Moreno, in the province of Buenos Aires, was placed under preventive suspension.

An audit was also carried out at the refrigeration plant Faenas Santamarina, in Colonia Caroya, Córdoba, where the presence of pigs without documentation confirming their origin was verified. Likewise, they did not have elements to carry out trichinosis tests, which motivated its reporting to the local Animal Health and Agri-food Quality Service (Senasa).

As a result of these actions, a tripartite operational team was established with members of the Undersecretariat of Agricultural Commercial Control from the Córdoba Delegation, officials from the area of ​​food security in the province of Córdoba and the regional Senasa.

In the town of Trenque Lauquen, working together with the Buenos Aires portfolio of Agro-industry, a pig farm that couldn't certify the animals' provenance was also placed under preventive suspension.

June 2017 / Ministry of Agro-industry / Argentina.

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