
Argentina - Decrease in the exportation of pork products

According to information from the Argentine National Office for the Control of Agricultural Trade (ONCCA), in 2009 5.286 tons of pork products were exported, reaching a value of 9,5 million dollars.
7 February 2011
According to information from the Argentine National Office for the Control of Agricultural Trade (ONCCA), in 2009 5.286 tons of pork products were exported, reaching a value of 9,5 million dollars.

Exportation of fresh meat represented only 8% of total pork product exports, and is equal to 0,1% of national production. The bulk of exportations are made up of giblets sent to Hong Kong, organotherapics to the United States, and meal to Chile and South Africa.

This evolution shows a decreasing trend starting in 2010. In comparison with the period of January-October 2009, total exports fell by 28% in volume while fresh meat exports fell by 39%.


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