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Argentina: General indicators for the swine industry in 2022

There was a strong increase in pork consumption, which was supported by the increase in domestic production and the decrease in international trade in both imports and exports.

8 February 2023

The consolidated figures for the swine industry in 2022 are presented according to the Secretariat of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries of the Ministry of Economy of Argentina:

Graph 1. Key variables for the Argentine pig farming industry in 2022.

333 Latin America with data from Secretariat for Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries - Ministry of Economy

333 Latin America with data from Secretariat for Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries - Ministry of Economy

  • Pig slaughter reached 7,666,012 head, a 2.4% increase over the 2021 total (7,484,270).
  • Pork production increased by 3.9% over the previous year, from 695,939 to 723,380 tons (t).
  • In terms of international trade, the import volume stood at 40,209 t, a decrease of 3.7% compared to 2021 (41,744 t), while exports fell by 68.5% compared to the previous year, from 30,121 t to 9,475 t.
  • Apparent consumption reached 754,114 t, representing an increase of 6.6% with respect to 2021 (707,562 t), while per capita consumption was estimated at 16.76 kg/inhabitant as of December, representing a year-on-year increase of 5.3%.

Overall, the industry's performance in 2022 suggests great potential for pig farming in this new year, which can develop as the outlook and conditions improve, both for domestic production and international trade, which to some extent have limited activity in recent years.

333 Latin America with data from Secretariat for Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries - Ministry of Economy/ Argentina.

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