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Argentina: Grain production projections for the 2023/24 season

Corn and soybean production is expected to be around 103.8 million tons.

20 September 2023

After the catastrophic 2022/23 season, in which Argentina's grain production suffered a severe decrease as a result of the drought, the grain harvest (wheat, barley, corn, soybeans, sunflower, sorghum, and others) is expected to increase by 70% year-on-year, reaching a volume of 136.3 million tons (Mt), according to BCR projections.

For the time being, and on a preliminary basis, the area planted with corn and soybeans is projected at 8.7 and 17 million hectares, respectively, both increasing by close to 1% year-on-year. On the production side, and with the weather phenomenon "El Niño" (characterized by heavy rains), corn production could reach 56.0 Mt and soybean production 47.8 Mt, growing 65% and 139% with respect to the previous season, respectively. In the case of sunflower and sorghum, production volumes are projected at 4.2 Mt and 2.4 Mt, respectively, with the former increasing by 5% and the latter decreasing by 1% with respect to the previous season.

September 8, 2023/ Rosario Stock Exchange/ Argentina.

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