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Argentina: constant growth of the animal nutrition industry

According to what the SENASA has published, the "Animal Nutrition" sector grew by 260% between years 2001 and 2012, going from 5.3 to 14.5 million tonnes consumed.

11 April 2014

According to what the SENASA has published, the "Animal Nutrition" sector grew by 260% between years 2001 and 2012, going from 5.3 to 14.5 million tonnes consumed. The exportation volume also increased slowly by 538% between years 2006 and 2013.

For year 2020, the Ministry of Agriculture, Stockbreeding and Fisheries of Argentina estimates a growth by 76% for this industry, reaching a production of 25 million tonnes of balanced feed.

During 2013, the growth in the production of feed was supported by and strengthened by the Food and Agriculture Health and Quality National Service (SENASA), which is in charge of the register and authorisation of producing, exporting and importing establishments and stores. During 2014, 121 establishments of products for animal nutrition obtained their authorisation.

Wednesday March 19, 2014/ SENASA/ Argentina.

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