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Argentina increases pork exports

Between January and June, the Argentinian pork exports increased by 52% in terms of volume.

3 October 2019

Argentinian pork exports grew by 52% in terms of volume with respect to the same period in 2018, with 11,513 tonnes; whilst slaughterings rose by 2.3%, with a total of 3,979,956 heads, and production increased by 4%, adding up 370,910 tonnes of bone-in carcasses. On the other hand, the domestic consumption grew by 1.1%, reaching 14.76 kg per inhabitant and year.

The increase in slaughterings can be explained, among other reasons, because of a structural change in production. In the last years, there have been investments by large companies with farms with more than 5,000 sows. To this we must add the investments by medium producers with between 500 and 2,000 sows.

Saturday, August 14th, 2019/ Ministry of Agriculture/ Argentina.

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