In 2017, and for the first time, pig production in Argentina exceeded 6 million pigs slaughtered, reaching a production of 566,084 tonnes (carcass weight), this representing a year-to-year increase by 8.4%.
Pork consumption per capita exceeded 14 kg, and this entails a year-to-year increase by 9.1%. Regarding the international market, pork and pork processed products also showed an increase that reached 56.3% (3.596 tonnes, carcass weight with bone).

Likewise, in the last 5 years, pig slaughterings have gone from 3.818 million to 6.422 million heads (+68%). Production, in terms of tonnes of carcass with bone, rose by 70%, and consumption grew by 64%, going from 8.5 kg/inhabitant/year (2012) to more than 14 kg/inhabitant/year (2017).
The average price paid to the producer in 2017 was 22.65% higher that the average price in 2016.
Wednesday, January 31st, 2018/ Ministry of Agroindustry/ Argentina.