The National Agrifood Health and Quality Service (Senasa) approved the general guidelines for the official recognition of compartments that are "free of diseases affecting swine," by means of Resolution 192/2021.
Establishments that comply with the standards of the Terrestrial Animal Health Code from the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) regarding compartmentalization will be able to obtain this recognition.

The new regulation, published last Friday in the Official Gazette, will allow companies that choose to apply for compartmentalization one more tool to negotiate access to international markets that demand strict requirements from the country, area, or establishment of origin of imported products.
It is important to clarify that a compartment can be defined by the producer or group of producers' compliance with certain management and biosecurity measures, rather than by geographical or political boundaries.
Argentina has a differential sanitary status in relation to other countries, which makes it necessary to implement regulations that preserve and promote the sustained growth of the swine production chain and international trade relations.
The OIE recognizes countries or areas that are free of diseases such as foot and mouth disease or classical swine fever, while providing recommendations for management, production, and biosecurity measures in the creation of a compartment.
The new regulations provide the necessary official guarantees for the production of pigs and pork products according to the conditions required by the buyer country, in relation to biosafety, traceability, and proven sanitary status, by means of the corresponding diagnostic tests, and make it possible to open new markets while safeguarding Argentina's sanitary status and the quality of the agrifood products it produces.
April 26, 2021/ SENASA/ Argentina.