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Argentina's swine industry outcomes in 2021

Despite an increase in domestic supply and a drop in exports, per capita pork consumption in Argentina increased by just 1.5% compared to 2020.

22 March 2022

The total pig slaughter for 2021 came to 7,469,765 head, up 6.6% compared to the previous year (7,006,091 head). Similarly, pork production increased by 6% compared to 2020, from 655,382 to 694,880 tons (t).

International trade results show that pork imports stood at 41,744 t in 2021, which represents a growth of 85.6% compared to 2020 (22,497 t) and is the highest volume recorded since 2018. Exports decreased 27.1% compared to 2020, going from 41,345 t to 30,121 t.

Regarding general live hog prices, the annual average increased 69.5% compared to 2020, going from $80.8 ARS/kg to $137 ARS/kg.

While it is true that the domestic supply of pork increased in 2021 thanks to the increase in domestic production and imports, as well as the decline in export activity, we could then assume a high level of domestic demand, which would explain, to a large extent, the high prices. However, when reviewing per capita consumption estimates, we find that this grew only 1.6% compared to 2020, going from 15.6 to 15. 9 kg/inhabitant, which suggests that the high prices were more so due to the effects of inflation in general and other distortions that are affecting the Argentine economy than to the strength of domestic demand for pork, since, as we mentioned, consumption did not grow considerably in relation to the other indicators, contrary to outcomes in other Latin American countries such as Colombia and Chile, where the relationship and results of the fundamental variables could explain the increase in consumption.

Economic Analysis Department 333 Latin America. Data from the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries of Argentina/ Argentina.

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