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Artificial intelligence to monitor pigs in China

Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba has decided to use AI technology to help China boost its pig-husbandry industry, which has long been plagued with poor efficiency and high labor costs.

7 March 2018

According to Xinhua News, an AI program could help identify and predict diseases and boost fertility by analyzing swine behavior, according to an online announcement last week by Alibaba Cloud, Alibaba's cloud computing arm.

Teaming up with livestock farming companies Sichuan Tequ Group and Dekon Group, the e-commerce giant has invested millions of yuan to build an AI system that can keep a record of every single hog, including their breed, age in days, diet, weight and movement.

The system is able to help each sow give birth to three more piglets per year and reduce the mortality rate by around 3 percent, according to an early-stage experiment.

Alibaba's AI technologies can automatically record the number of births and tell if a sow can give a natural birth or not. For example, AI can locate and rescue a troubled piglet by analyzing its screams to see if it is being pressed too tight by its mother.

Wednesday February 14, 2018/ Xinhua News/ China.

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