To fulfil the European legislation, and after consulting the European Commission, the provisional infected area was revised last November 23rd and was replaced for 2 different areas: area I and area II.
Area II are the regions were the infected wild boars live, and it includes the whole of the previously infected zone, whilst Area I is a buffer area that surrounds Area II and that includes a part of the previously infected area (= South area) and a new region to the north of the infected area (= Area I North).

In these Areas I and II, the measures are applied both to wild boars and domestic pigs, in accordance with the European legislation.
Regarding domestic pigs, in practice only measures are applied in Area I North, because the pigs in Areas II and I South (the previously infected zone) were culled and the repopulation of these areas is forbidden. Under the current situation, no slaughterings of domestic pigs are expected in Area I North.
Since September 13th, 2018, 181 African swine fever cases have been detected in wild boars found dead in the region of Etalle, in the province of Luxembourg.
Wednesday, November 28th, 2018/ AFSCA/ Belgium.