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ASF Germany: Fence completed between Brandenburg and Saxony

The fence is an important measure to control African swine fever in Germany and is currently being built along the entire German-Polish border.

10 December 2020

Saxony was able to connect to the fence in Brandenburg today during the construction of the permanent, wild boar-proof game protection fence along the border with Poland. The border fence is an important measure to control African swine fever (ASF) in Germany and is currently being built along the entire German-Polish border.

Seven new cases of African swine fever in Saxony

In the Free State of Saxony the number of cases of ASF has increased to 15. In addition to the first case of an animal killed by a hunter on October 27, 2020, seven carcasses or parts of carcasses infected with ASF were found in the subsequent search for fallen wild boar. Now, after another selective fallen game search, seven more cases were added. The samples found to be infected by the State Research Institute were confirmed by the Friedrich-Loeffler-Institute, the German reference laboratory. The new discoveries of dead and infected animals were all detected near the Neisse river within the at-risk area. In total, the search teams found around 70 carcasses.

The total number of ASF cases in Brandenburg (183 confirmed cases) and Saxony together is now 198.

December 2, 2020/ Sachsen/ Germany.

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