Permission was granted for the construction of the final section of the protective corridor in eastern Saxony along the Polish border. This means that the entire section from Saxony's border with Brandenburg in the north to the border with the Czech Republic in the south has been closed with a double fence. The fences run north of the A4 federal highway at intervals of ten kilometers and south of the A4 federal highway at intervals of two to nine kilometers. A total of around 2.5 million euros was spent on construction. The length of the eastern fence of the corridor is about 63 kilometers, the length of the western fence is about 87 kilometers.
The zone between the two fences is kept as free of wild boar as possible by the hunting community. The exact concept for the management of the protection corridors is being finalized.

The protection corridor north together with Brandenburg is completely established except for the connection area of the planned west tangent in the district of northern Saxony to the fences of Brandenburg. For the West protection corridor, fencing is in the planning and construction preparation stages.
February 3, 2023/ Saxony/ Germany.