Germany has reported the number of pig farms located within the different intervention areas, which were defined after ASF was confirmed in Brandenburg.
Within the infected zone (with an approximate area of 1,110 km2) there are a total of 32 pig farms (five of them with a large census between 200 and 5,000 animals).

Inside the infected zone, a core zone has been established, which includes all the cases detected in wild boars and has a perimeter of 60 km and an area of 150 km2. Five pig farms lie within the core zone.
Finally, outside the infected zone, a buffer zone has also been defined, covering an area of 2,300 km2, with 100 pig farms and a census of approximately 20,000 pigs.

The following map shows the boundaries of the core zone (orange), infected zone (purple) and buffer zone (green) as well as the location of the found cases of wild boar (asterisk) and the pig farms (red dots). Source: MAPA.
September 28, 2020/ 333 Staff with information from MAPA.