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ASF in China: more than 700,000 pigs culled; new measures

Last week the disease was confirmed on a farm with more than 73,000 pigs.

8 January 2019

Since the confirmation, by the Chinese government, of the first outbreak of African swine fever (ASF) in the province of Liaoning on August 3rd, 2018, 100 outbreaks of the disease have already been detected in 23 provinces / autonomous regions / municipalities, and more than 706,000 pigs have been culled.

Last week, the disease was confirmed on a farm with more than 73,000 pigs located in the county of Mingshui, province of Heilongjiang, this being the biggest Chinese farm where ASF has been confirmed.

ASF was also detected on a farm with 8,016 pigs in the county of Zezhou, town of Jincheng, province of Shanxi.

The Ministry of Agriculture of China published, last week, a new regulation that affects abattoirs. According to the Ministry of Agriculture, the abattoirs will have to test the pork products for the presence of ASF before commercialising them. The abattoirs will also have to slaughter the pigs with different origins separately. If an ASF outbreak is detected, the abattoirs will have to slaughter all the pigs and the operations shall stop for 48 hours at least, in accordance with the regulation, that will come into effect as of February 1st, 2019.

January 2019.
MoA/China. http://www.moa.gov.cn
FAO. http://www.fao.org
Reuters. https://www.reuters.com

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