ASF is still active in the Eastern EU countries, with a rise, in summer, in the cases in wild boars and domestic pigs in Estonia, Poland and Lithuania. The disease also appeared for the first time in June 2017 in the Czech Republic in wild boars, and there has been a continuous trickle of cases there since then, all of them in wild boars. On the other hand, by late 2017, the disease reached Poland, towards the Warsaw area (moving more to the west of the country). In this area, only outbreaks in wild boars had been detected. Since June 2017, these countries have notified 3,089 outbreaks in wild boars and 122 in domestic pigs, and this entails a very significant rise with respect to 2016.
Outside the EU, the situation is especially serious in Ukraine, where 60 outbreaks have been confirmed on domestic pig farms and 31 in wild boars during this period; and in the Russian Federation, in its westernmost region, where 101 outbreaks have been notified in domestic pigs and 37 in wild boars during this same period. We must also highlight the reappearance of the disease in Moldova by late 2017, with the notification of 2 outbreaks in domestic pigs and 3 in wild boars.

ASF outbreaks notified in Eastern Europe since June 2017 (Source: RASVE-ADNS)
Friday, January 12th, 2018/ RASVE/ MAPAMA/ Spain.