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ASF Italy: Thousands of pigs culled on large farms due to outbreaks

Over 12,000 domestic pigs on five large farms have been affected by African swine fever outbreaks.

26 October 2023

In the months of August and September this year, African swine fever (ASF) outbreaks have occurred on five large swine farms near Pavia, affecting a total of over 12,000 animals. The start dates of the outbreaks and the number of susceptible animals are outlined below, according to the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH):

  • September 27 - Pieve Del Cairo - 6868 animals
  • September 4 - Dorno - 1191 animals
  • September 7- Sommo - 1850 animals
  • August 27 - Zinasco - 2237 animals
  • August 30 - Zinasco - 7428 animals

Remember to visit our ASF section for updates and a world map of ASF outbreak locations.

October 25, 2023/ 333 Staff with information from WOAH.

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