The WOAH/OIE has reported a ASF outbreak on a backyard farm located in Lespezi, in the county of Vrancea.
There were 5 susceptible animals on the farm, all of them affected by the disease.

According to data provided by the ANSVSA, as of October 25th, there were 15 counties affected (Satu-Mare, Bihor, Salaj, Tulcea, Brăila, Constanta, Ialomita, Galati, Ilfov, Calarasi, Buzau, Giurgiu, Dambovita, Teleorman and Maramures), with a total of 1,042 notified outbreaks (15 of them on commercial farms), besides the cases in wild boars. To these figures we must add the recent outbreak in Vrancea.

Counties affected by ASF in Romania
Saturday, October 27th, 2018/ ANSVSA/ Romania.