According to the OIE, there was an outbreak on a backyard farm dated April 10 of this year. Laboratory results also indicate that several outbreaks occurred on backyard farms in May and June. Outbreaks have been reported in at least 10 of the 31 provinces in the country. According to previous reports from the Dominican Republic's Official Commission for the Control and Eradication of Outbreaks of African Swine Fever, the disease has been detected even in more provinces.

The Georgia 2007 wild-type strain, genotype 2, was detected in the sequencing. Genotype 2 ASF viruses derived from the Georgia 2007 strain are currently circulating in regions of Europe and Asia. The cases of African swine fever that occurred in the Dominican Republic in 1978 and until their eradication in 1981 were attributed to ASF virus genotype 1.
August 16, 2021/ 333 Staff