
Australia: National Food Plan green paper

The Australian Government is developing Australia’s first National Food Plan to better integrate all aspects of food policy.

27 July 2012

Minister Ludwig released the National Food Plan green paper – the next step in developing the National Food Plan.

The Australian Government is developing Australia’s first National Food Plan to better integrate all aspects of food policy to ensure a sustainable, globally competitive and resilient food supply that supports access to nutritious and affordable food.

The Australian Government has chosen to develop the National Food Plan through a consultative policy development process involving circulation of an issues paper, followed by a green paper for stakeholder comment, concluding with the release of a National Food Plan white paper that articulates its policy position.
The green paper seeks to inform discussion on the development of the National Food Plan white paper. It discusses a number of options and potential directions that could be adopted by the Australian Government. The Australian Government is seeking feedback on these and other ideas as part of its continuing dialogue before making final decisions about any changes or new initiatives. The government will consider feedback before making decisions about the National Food Plan.

Tuesday July 17, 2012/ DAFF/ Australia.

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