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Australia: pork consumption outlook

In 2015 pork became the second most consumed meat in Australia, surpassing for the first time beef.

9 May 2017

According to ABARES, in 2016–17 Australian pig meat consumption is forecast to contract by around 3 per cent to 26.8 kilograms a person (carcase weight). The reduction is expected to be mainly of imported product, which accounts for around 50 per cent of all pig meat consumed in Australia. An increase in imports in 2017–18 is forecast to result in consumption increasing again by around 1 per cent to 27.0 kilograms.

Over the medium term, per person consumption of both processed imported pig meat and domestically produced fresh pork is projected to expand. However, the rate of expansion is expected to be gradual, with competition expected to strengthen from beef and sheep meat. In 2021–22 Australian per person pig meat consumption is projected to reach 27.8 kilograms, 3.5 per cent above the 26.8 kilograms forecast for 2016 –17.

Perspectiva del consumo de carne en Australia
Perspectiva del consumo de carne en Australia

March 2017/ ABARES-Department of Agriculture and Water Resources/ Australia.

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