
Australia - Sow stalls gone by 2017

In a world first, the Australian pork industry voted today to pursue the voluntary phasing out of gestation stalls by 2017.
17 November 2010
In a world first, the Australian pork industry voted today to pursue the voluntary phasing out of gestation stalls by 2017.

The vote, held at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Australian Pork Limited (APL), the industry’s peak representative body, is a major step for Australian pork producers.

As a result of today’s historic vote, APL will start a round of meetings with state and federal Agriculture Ministers to brief them on the voluntary phase out and what this step means for Australian pork farmers.
This decision comes at a time when major retailers in Australia are clearly indicating there is a growing unrest among customers about the industry’s use of gestation stalls. The vote demonstrates that the industry recognises the issue of gestation stalls has moved beyond the scientific argument of whether or not they are better for pigs.


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