Australian pork production is forecast to decline 3% in 2023 to 425,000 MT after stronger-than-expected production in 2022. Pork producers in early 2023 are being challenged by high feed grain prices relative to pork prices which is anticipated to have an impact on slaughter numbers and pork production in the latter part of 2023.
Pork consumption is forecast to decline slightly in 2023 to 630,000 MT (CWE). Consumption in 2022 was the highest on record at an estimated 642,000 MT (CWE) but may in part be related to importers taking advantage of lower prices of EU pork than the previous year. Analysts anticipate imported EU pork prices to be higher in 2023 which could dampen Australia’s enthusiasm for pork imports in the forecast year.

Australia imports over a third of its pork needs, and for 2023 imports are forecast to remain stable at 240,000 MT (CWE). Exports, which are very low at only around 8% percent of production, are also expected to remain stable in 2023 at 35,000 MT (CWE).
March 7, 2023/ USDA/ United States.