
Australia's new plan to combat feral pigs

The National Feral Pig Action Plan sets out actions to improve feral pig management and reduce their impacts.

28 October 2021

A national and coordinated approach to feral pig management has just been released following the endorsement of the National Feral Pig Action Plan. Actions include aerial deployed thermal sensor technology to detect feral pigs, pig bait development, and best practice feral pig control training to land managers.

“This is the first national strategy that has been developed to address the significant impact of feral pigs on our farms, environment, industries, and communities,” said Minister for Agriculture and Northern Australia David Littleproud.

“Feral pigs cost the Australian agricultural sector around $106.5 million per year, and $47.7 million per year is spent on feral pig control by land managers. They are also a threat to livestock because they can carry foot and mouth disease and African swine fever if these biosecurity risks were to arrive in Australia."

October 27, 2021/ Australian Government/ Australia.

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