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UK: Continued backlogs of pigs affecting the sector

AHDB believes progress in resolving the backlog of pigs won't be made until the second quarter of 2022.

8 February 2022

There continues to be a backlog of pigs in the United Kingdom. According to AHDB, an estimated 190,500 head of pigs were slaughtered in the first week of February, up 12,600 head from the week prior, however, carcass weights rose once again to 95.80kg. The organization says that this indicates little progress is being made on the backlog of pigs and that there won't likely be progress in this regard until the second quarter of 2022.

On December 1, there were reports that over 70,000 weaner pigs were overdue to be moved due to the effects of the backlog of clean pigs.

Other developments in the industry include the UK government announcing that an agreement has been reached with the carbon dioxide industry to ensure UK businesses have access to a sustainable supply of CO2 - an essential component for the humane slaughter of pigs. The deal will enable CF Fertilisers’ Billingham plant to continue to operate while global gas prices remain high.

February 4, 2022/ 333 Staff with information from AHDB.

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