Because of the rapid deterioration of the epizootic situation of African swine fever (ASF) in Russia, the Ministry of Agriculture and Foodstuffs of Belarus calls on regional authorities to take additional measures to prevent spreading of this disease on its territory, reported in the ministry.
"Transportation and sale of pigs, procured from the public, shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the animal health rules for cleaning and disinfection of technological equipment and production facilities for organizations engaged in livestock slaughtering and meat processing," the ministry noted.

Swine transportation is only possible by car, owned by meat-processing enterprises, followed by binding disinfection prior to each loading, noted in the Ministry of Agriculture. The Ministry urged to reconsider and cancel the previously concluded contracts for the supply of goods subject to veterinary inspection on disadvantaged regions. The Ministry also urged local authorities to carry out exercises to simulate the emergency response in case of ASF.
January 2012/ Telegraf/ Belarus.