With a total of 858,975 tonnes of pork, the Belgian exports have reached a new record in 2015, with an increase by 6.1% with respect to 2014, according to the analysis performed by the Belgian Meat Office based on data by Eurostat.
France is the fouth partner of Belgium in the pork sector: the exports grew from 30,500 tonnes in 2014 to 40.200 tonnes in 2015, an increase by almost 32%. This rise attributable to the significant increase in the exports of pig offal and fat. From the total of the Belgian pork exports, 90% of them, or approximately 767,000 tonnes, went to Europe. The carcasses are the main format exported (471,584 tonnes), followed by meat (243,299 tonnes), offal (116,640 tonnes), and fat (27,452 tonnes). Germany still is the main destination of the Belgian pork exports (almost 270,000 tonnes exported in 2015), followed by Poland (202,000 tonnes), the Netherlands (85,000 tonnes) and France (40,300 tonnes). Regarding third countries, 92,000 tonnes were exported, mainly due to the high demand from China and Vietnam.

Thursday, 12 May 2016/ BMO/ Belgium.