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Belgian pork production and exports continue to decrease

During the first five months of this year, pig slaughter has decreased by 2.6% and exports between January and April have decreased 30%.

7 September 2020

According to data published by the VDF, during the first five months of this year, pig slaughter reached 4.54 million animals, a decrease of 2.6% (-116,000 pigs) compared to the same period last year. In terms of pork volume, the decrease was 1.5% (-437,300 t).

In the period from January to April 2020, Belgian exports fell by almost 30% compared to the same period in the previous year to around 162,000 t. Sales within the EU, which account for the grand majority of exports (94%), fell by 29% to 152,176 t. Germany remained the main target market for Belgian suppliers, but their purchases fell by 31% year-on-year to only 51,500 t.

July 17, 2020/ VDF/ Germany.

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