During the first six months of 2015 the Belgian pork exports grew by 4% in terms of volume. 90% of the exports were to European countries. Most of them (61%) were sold as carcasses, followed by cuts (27%).
Poland, with a rise by 15%, represents 24% of the total exported volume, and places as the second main destination, Germany placing first (32%). Exports to the Czech Republic and Slovakia have grown significantly (+19% and 96%, respectively) representing 3.4% and 1.3% of the exports. The UK, with increases in the last years, holds the fifth place, with a growth by 24%. The exports to France experienced a great rise (+23%) and reached the fourth place, with 5% of the exported volume.

With respect to the exports to third countries, China and Hong Kong sum, together, 2.9% of the Belgian pork exports. In spite of the drop of the exports to the Philippines by 18%, this country is still the second biggest market outside the EU, with a market share of 1.4%. South Korea holds the third place, with a market share of 1.3%.
October 2015/ Belgian Meat Office/ Belgium.