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Belgium: the Food Chain Agreement proposes a direct aid for pig producers

The Belgian Food Chain Agreement proposes a €30 million direct aid for pig producers.

4 September 2015

The Belgian Food Chain Agreement proposes a €30 million direct aid for pig producers.

The Belgian Food Chain Agreement partners have reached an agreement to support the dairy and pig sectors through the creation of an income volatility stabilisation mechanism. They also pose, on the short term, a temporary direct aid.

The direct aid will be financed via a temporary slight rise of the price of certain dairy and pork products. In the case of the pig sector, the aids will be assigned to the farms (a certain amount per present sow) and it will be limited to a 6-month period. The partners of the Agreement promise to offer up to €30 million. These aids will be subject to the Belgian competition authority.

The participants in the Belgian Food Chain Agreement commit to fit these temporary direct aids in an interprofessional stabilisation mechanism that may be activated during periods of crisis. The modalities of this fitting in will be prepared during the next 6 months as a continuation of the temporary direct aids. The partners request the presentation of this measure at a European level, as an innovative pilot project.

Monday, 31 August 2015/ Comeos/ Belgium.

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