In value terms, EU agri-food exports increased by 3.1% compared with August 2022. The increase in exports was largely driven by higher volumes of cereals preparations, wine and mixed food preparations being shipped, notably to the UK. Overall, the most significant changes were observed exports to China (+18%), the UK (+7%) and the United States (+5%). In September 2022, EU exports of protein crops and fruit (apples, pears, peaches) to the Middle East/North Africa (MENA) region and to sub-Saharan Africa increased significantly while exports of wheat declined.
In September 2022, the EU continued to import mostly from Brazil (€1.9 billion), Ukraine (€1.4 billion) and the UK (€1.3 billion). Since January 2022, imports from Brazil increased by 47% compared to the same period in 2021. Imports from Ukraine increased by 76% while the ones from the UK increased by 33%. The EU has imported soya beans, coffee, soya meals and maize from Brazil. The top products imported from Ukraine are maize, sunflower oil, sunflower seeds and rapeseed.

Over the period January-September 2022, EU oilseeds and protein crops imports remain the highest value (+42% compared to 2021), followed by fruit and nuts (+8% compared to 2021) and coffee, tea, coca and spices (+33% compared to 2021).
December 21,2022/ EC/ European Union.