
Botswana: new outbreak of foot and mouth disease

The outbreak occurred within a fenced subzone in Ngamiland district, on the FMD vaccination zone.

26 September 2011

The outbreak occurred within a fenced subzone in Ngamiland district, on the FMD vaccination zone. The crush which is affected shares the same likelihood of exposure to a pathogen than Kaepe crush, which recorded an outbreak of FMD on 4 February 2011, thus cattle from Kaepe crush and Itoto crush mix during grazing and they share the same watering points when there is bore-hole breakdown.

The affected area was scheduled for routine vaccination in September. Animal and animal products movement protocol before the reoccurrence of FMD did not allow movement of cloven-hoofed animals and their derived fresh products out of the zone. Therefore, the reoccurrence of FMD in this zone does not affect the disease status in other zones.

The last vaccination in the affected crushes was in May 2011, which was a booster vaccination post Kaepe crush (Kareng extension area) outbreak.

Farmers in Kareng and neighboring extension areas have been encouraged to report any suspected animals. Biosecurity measures are in place.

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