
Botswana - Piggery can diversify Botswana agric sector

With the local and global demand for pork increasing, Botswana can have a stake in its production, according to a study released this week.
28 July 2010
With the local and global demand for pork increasing, Botswana can have a stake in its production, according to a study released this week.

A study on pig products in Botswana by LEA has revealed that the annual national demand for pork products was 2, 417. 945 metric tones valued at P41.385 million.

However, there is a shortfall because the annual supply was estimated at 1, 758.919 metric tones at a value of P11.139 million.

The study discovered that pork ribs (accounting to 36 percent of the demand) are in high demand compared with other products, with hoteliers leading the pack. Most of the pork ribs were sourced from imports.

The study summary concluded that the piggery sub-sector can help in diversifying the agricultural sector and the general economy.


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24-Aug-2010K.SK.Si would like to ask for information on inclusioon of cactus pear in pig feed.
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