In two follow-up reports sent to the OIE, Botswana notified that no new foot and mouth disease outbreaks have occurred since April and May 2011 in the regions of Francistown and Selibe Phikwe. Wildlife surveillance is still ongoing. Biosecurity measures are still in place.
Two rounds of surveillance (both clinical and serological) in pigs have not revealed any clinical signs suggestive of FMD. The third round of surveillance has been scheduled for January 2012.

Surveillance in wildlife has not revealed anything suggestive of FMD. However, results of 32 sera are still awaited from the laboratory.
Depopulation of cattle in the containment zone is still ongoing. An aerial surveillance has been planned to ensure 100% depopulation. Biosecurity measures are still in place.Extensive surveillance is ongoing within the zone and along the international border with the infected zone. No cases are being recorded. Wildlife surveillance still continues visually and at the game slaughter facilities. To date, no other suspicion of FMD has been recorded. The second round of vaccination is ongoing. Biosecurity measures are still in place.
November 2011/ OIE.