Brazilian agricultural exports grew by 17.5% in the first four months of the year, compared to the same period last year. Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, efforts continued to open markets for Brazilian agricultural products, which provided the country with good outcomes. Exports to Asia grew, especially to China.
The agriculture industry represented 18.7% of the country's total exports in 2019 which increased to 22.9% in 2020.

According to data published by the Ministry of Economy, in April 2020, Brazilian exports reached US$ 18.3 billion and imports reached US$ 11.6 billion, with a positive balance of US$ 6.7 billion and a trade flow of US$ 29.9 billion. During the year, exports totaled US$ 67.8 billion and imports US$ 55.5 billion, with a positive balance of US$ 12.2 billion and a trade flow of US$ 123.4 billion. Unlike the global scenario, Brazil kept its balance practically stable.
Some agricultural products broke monthly historical records in terms of exports volume in April, such as soybeans, with 16.3 million tons; soybean meal, with 1.7 million tons; fresh, refrigerated or frozen beef, with 116 thousand tons; pork, with 63 thousand tons, and cotton, with 91 thousand tons. Meanwhile, the following commodities fell: exports of wheat, rye and unground corn (except sweet corn), unroasted coffee, live animals, fruits, and nuts.
May 4, 2020 / MAPA / Brazil.