With the aim of further enhancing bilateral trade, Brazil and Russia have signed an agreement on the "prelisting" system, lists of pre-approved establishments that export animal products, where Brazil can include meat (beef, pork and poultry), dairy products and offal, and Russia can include fish.
"Prelisting" involves the Health Authorities of the exporting country checking that the exporting establishments meet the requirements of the importing party, and designating them as suitable for export. The importing country may, at any time, conduct audits to verify the official controls in the exporting party.
The protocol, signed by Brazil and Russia, will be implemented in stages until November, according to the timetable agreed between the two parties.
Besides the "prelisting", the Russian government has authorized the import of genetic material, petfood and breeding pigs from Brazil.
Notably, 82% of all imported pork by Russia during the first half of this year, came from Brazil.
Wednesday, July 15, 2015 / MAPA / Brazil.