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Brazil launches the Antimicrobial Prevention and Control Programme in animal production

The aim is to strengthen the prevention and control of antibiotic resistances in stockbreeding. The programme includes the prevention and control of infections in animals.

15 November 2017

The Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supplies (MAPA) has launched the National Programme for the Prevention and Control of Antimicrobial Resistances in Agriculture and Stockbreeding (AgroPrevine) by means of the Policy Instruction no. 41, published in the Official Gazette last Thursday, November 9th.

AgroPrevine will promote strategic interventions such as epidemiologic studies, the strengthening of the implementation of measures for the prevention and control of infections, and the promotion of a rational use of antimicrobials and of their resistances.

The aim is to strengthen the prevention and control actions against antimicrobial resistances when rearing animals under the ‘One Health’ concept, that establishes the interdependence between human, animal and environmental health, using as tools health education, surveillance and agriculture and livestock defence.

Friday, November 10th, 2017/ MAPA/ Brazil.

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