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Brazil: Rising corn and soybean prices a concern to pig farmers

Corn and soybean prices remain high and uncertainties with crop production may force pig farmers to use alternative feed ingredients.

30 April 2021

The combination of restricted supply and heated demand has been driving corn prices up since mid-February, according to Cepea researchers. More recently, the delay in sowing and the irregularity of the rains have increased the uncertainties regarding second harvest crop production, which has reinforced the increase in prices, which are at record levels in many Brazilian markets.

It is no different with soybean prices, which are at all-time record levels in the Brazilian market, as indicated by Cepea data. The impetus comes from the heated internal and external demands and, especially, from the international valuations. As for exports, preliminary data from Secex show that the average daily shipment of soybeans in this month's partial is almost 30% above that observed in April 2020. So far, 10.6 million tons have been exported. The advance in the foreign market, in turn, is linked to the low surplus of the 2020/21 harvest in the United States. The unfavorable climate for soybean sowing of the 2021/22 harvest in the USA also increased the values ​​of oilseeds.

These two grains are the main ingredients of pig feed, and with rising prices, pig producers are being forced to make substitutions such as the use of wheat.

April 27, 2021/ Cepea/ Brazil.

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