During the first six months of 2013, Brazil has exported a total of 240,515 tonnes, which implies a decrease by 10.52% with respect to the same period in year 2012, with an income of 630.26 million dollars: 8.31% less than during the same period in year 2012.
During this period, Russia was the main destination for the Brazilian pig meat, with 28.71% of the total exports; followed by Hong Kong, with 25.30%; and Ukraine, with 10.55%. With respect to the income, the result is the same: Russia in the first place with 31.93% of the income; Hong Kong with 23.73%; and Ukraine with 11.62%.
In spite of these data, the prospects for the second half of this year are good because, according to Rui Eduardo Saldanha Vargas, president of the Pig Meat Producers and Exporters Brazilian Association (ABIPECS), the current data reflect the temporary discontinuation of the exportations to Ukraine since March 20th. The resumption of these exportations since last June 19th is expected to help to a gradual recovery in the second half of the year, although the main driving force for the recovery of the exportations may be the Japanese market, for which great expectations exist in the short, medium and long term.

Thursday July 11, 2013/ ABIPECS/ Brazil.