In a meeting held last week between the Minister of Agriculture of Brazil, Ms Tereza Cristina, and the governor of Piauí, Mr Wellington Dias, it was decided to conduct an integrated action between the federal state and the northeastern states to implement programs for the “eradication of classical swine fever and other diseases that still threaten agriculture and stockbreeding in the region”.
The Ministry intends to launch, until June, a program for the eradication of classical swine fever. Today, part of the northeast and of the Northen Region are considered as areas that are not free of the disease. In the case of the northeast, only Bahía are Sergipe are deemed CSF-free.

Last week, two CSF outbreaks were detected on family farms located in the municipality of Lagoa do Piauí, 42 kilometres away from Teresina. According to the governor, some 800 pigs had to be culled. From October to December 2018, 41 CSF outbreaks were detected in 18 municipalities of Ceará, entailing the culling of 2,600 pigs.
For the governor of Piauí, the emergence of those cases increases the need for joining efforts for eradicating this and other diseases.
The transport of pigs from the northeast (except from Bahía and Sergipe) to the states free from the disease (this including all the southern, southeatern and centre-western states) is currently forbidden.
The coordination of the Ministry of Agriculture's work group is under the care of the agriculture and livestock federal tax auditor Mr Abel Neto, and counts on the epidemiologic advice of professor Vitor Salvador Gonçalves, from the University of Brasilia (UnB). The rest of the members come from the Agriculture and Livestock Defence Agency of Ceará (Adagri), the Rio Grande do Sul Pig Industries Union (Sipsrs), the Brazilian Association of Swine Veterinarians of Ceará (Abraves / CE) and the Animal Health Department (DSA), pertaining to the Ministry of Agriculture. The group will be able to invite to their meetings representatives from other areas of the Ministry of Agriculture, and members of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the National Health Program (Suida) and of public or private organisations, who will also be able to participate.
Wednesday, April 17th, 2019/ MAPA/ Brazil.