According to grain harvest estimates released by the National Supply Company (Conab), Brazilian grain production is expected to reach 294.1 million tons in 2023/2024, an 8% reduction compared to last season (-25.7 million tons). With a stable area estimated at 78.53 million hectares, the drop is mainly due to the intensity of the El Niño phenomenon, which in 2023 had a negative influence from the start of planting to the development stages of the crops in the country's producing regions.
With harvesting work advanced in the main producing states, reaching around 76.4% of the country's cultivated area, soybean production is estimated at 146.52 million tons, down 5.2% on the previous harvest. This reduction is due to low rainfall and above-normal temperatures.

The main crop grown in the second harvest is corn, with total production estimated at 110.96 million tons. According to Progresso de Safra, harvesting work on the cereal's first crop, which is expected to produce 23.36 million tons, has reached 51% of the cultivated area. Sowing of the second crop is almost complete.
April 11, 2024/ CONAB/ Brazil.