The first fresh pork export from Brazil to the US took place last Thursday 20 November. 25 tonnes of a specific pork cut were shipped from the harbour of Itapoá, in Santa Catarina.
The negotiations that have allowed this first shipping have gone on for almost two years, during which several US delegations travelled to Brazil to verify the quality and safety of Brazilian pork. Currently, two plants, both of them in the state of Santa Catarina, have the authorisation to export pork to the US.

Brazil produced a total of 3.52 million tonnes of pork in 2013. This year's production has already reached 3.55 million tonnes. Last year, the exports amounted to USD1,350 million and 513,000 tonnes. Up to October 2014, pork for a total cost of USD1,330 million (410,00 tonnes) has been already exported.
Monday, 24 November 2014/ MAPA/ Brazil.