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Brazil foresees growth in grain and protein production in the next decade

According to a study by MAPA, grain production will reach 318 million tons in 2029/2030. Animal protein production will increase by 23.8%.

3 September 2020

The world's third-largest exporter of agricultural products has a promising outlook for the next ten years, according to a study by the Secretariat of Agricultural Policy of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply, the Secretariat of Intelligence and Strategic Relations of the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa), and by the Statistics Department of the University of Brasília (UnB).

Brazilian meat production (beef, pork, and poultry) is expected to from the current 28.2 million tons to almost 34.9 million tons, between 2019/20 and 2029/30, an increase of 23.8%.

In the next decade, pork production in Brazil is expected to increase 27%, from 4.1 million tons to 5.2 million tons. Chicken production is expected to increase 27%, from 14.1 million tons to 18.1 million tons; and beef is forecast to see a 16% increase in production, from 9.8 million tons to 11.4 million tons.

Exports of pork and chicken meat are expected to increase 36.8% and 34.3%, respectively by 2030.

Grain production is expected to increase 27% in the next ten years. The grain planting area is expected to expand from 65.5 million hectares to 76.4 million hectares in 2029/30, up 16.7%. Corn exports are expected to rise from 34.5 million tons to 44.5 million in the period, up 29.1%.

July 2020 / MAPA / Brazil

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