After the last immunization against foot and mouth disease in the 12 units of the Federation and part of the state of Amazonas, Brazil has made progress in the Strategic Plan of the National Program for the Eradication of Foot-and-Mouth Disease (PE-PNEFA) and is now completely free of the disease without vaccination.
The action, which is part of the process of international recognition by the World Organization for Animal Health (WOAH), represents the end of the vaccination cycle, which began more than 50 years ago, and the recognition of the quality of national livestock production and the quality of the Official Veterinary Service.

The last occurrence of the disease in the national territory was in 2006, followed by the implementation of free zones, which supported the country's rise as a world leader in animal protein trade in a sustainable manner.
By eradicating FMD and consolidating its position as a country free of the disease without vaccination, Brazil strengthens its position in the international market, increasing the confidence of consumers and trading partners in the quality and safety of Brazilian animal products.
May 2, 2024/ MAPA/ Brazil.